Wholistic LENS Neurofeedback

The Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS) is an EEG-based, direct neurofeedback system that allows the brain to reset itself and achieve optimal function. Neuroscientists understand that the brain’s defenses against stressors and trauma can create a “neural gridlock.” LENS works with these blockages. Addressing each unique brain in its own “language,” LENS allows the brain to “reboot,” restoring an optimal state of peace and clarity. 

Contact LENS Therapist Britney Stocker by text or email for questions and to make an appointment at:

Who Can LENS Therapy Help?

LENS therapy can help anyone of any age struggling with neurological issues, pain, stress, anxiety, optimal performance, sleep, cognitive and emotional issues, and many types of ailments. Patients with traumatic brain injuries have experienced relief from symptoms quickly and permanently. Clinical studies support the effectiveness of LENS and the results of over 1 million people who have already been treated. 

Doctors and researchers recommend LENS for adults, teens, and children suffering from the following:

Brain Fog



Head Injury


Neurological Issues

Aging Brain

Optimal Function



Learning Difficulty


LENS is also recommended for improving general functioning, athletic performance, clarity of thought, energy level, motivation, and focus. It can also enhance progress in therapy, meditation, or spiritual practice.

LENS Therapy Process

Unlike traditional neurofeedback, in which you actively try to regulate brainwaves, LENS therapy is passive. As you relax in sessions, your brain naturally does the work for you. This form of neurofeedback therapy is quick. A tiny and imperceptible electromagnetic signal (1/300th of that emitted by a cell phone) is delivered for a fraction of a second. This signal causes a slight fluctuation in your brainwaves, allowing the brain to reorganize and better regulate itself. We liken it to a “brain adjustment.” Clients often experience better focus, increased energy, and improved mood in just a few sessions. 

Children and teens with ADD or ADHD can focus. Fear diminishes. Athletes perform. Artists create. Insomniacs sleep. LENS helps us reach our full potential. 

The average number of seasons for optimal brain functioning is 15-20. However, many clients experience rapid relief even after just a few sessions and say that LENS has significantly improved their lives.

Your LENS Therapy Sessions

We are all wired and heal differently, so we will assess your central nervous system in an initial evaluation. We’ll also discuss your mood, level of reactivity, energy level, cognitive clarity, organizational ability, memory, and sleep patterns. In this section, we will determine your sensitivity to external stimuli, such as light and noise, which will help us gauge how to direct the gentle LENS signal.

Although you will receive only a few seconds of Low-Level Neurofeedback in each session, developing your treatment plan is a two-way feedback process, like the system itself. We’ll check in regularly throughout the treatment process to monitor progress, discuss results, and alter the treatment as needed. 

Meet the Team

Dr. Linda and Brittney are passionate about helping people live happy, healthy, productive lives!

  • Owner / Head Chiropractor Bloom Chiropractic and Wellness Center

    Since I began treating clients with LENS in 2019, I’ve been honored to witness rapid, meaningful, and often dramatic results. These changes are enduring. These results echo recent and ongoing research in neuroplasticity and demonstrate new possibilities for brain growth and change. As LENS Neurofeedback providers, we are excited by this gentle, highly effective treatment. We are pleased to offer it as an option in heart-centered, holistic, and supportive practice.

  • Owner / Therapist Theta Wave Hypnosis

    Brittney is certified in LENS Neurofeedback, Clinical Hypnosis, Quantum Healing, and Energy Healing. She has over ten years of successful experience helping clients improve their quality of life.

Contact LENS Therapist Britney Stocker by text or email for questions and to make an appointment: