What to Expect for New Patients
Adults and Children, Ages 8 and Up

Visit 1 (About 40 minutes)

1. Consultation to discuss your concerns

2. Chiropractic exam

3. Specific x-rays for your care if needed

Visit 2 (About 40 to 60 minutes)

1. A report of your findings

2. We discuss an integrated plan

3. Receive your first adjustment or customized treatment


What to Expect for Newborns and Babies:
(Visit Dr. Linda's Happy Baby Doc Website for Details)


About 40 minutes

1. Dr. Linda reviews the birth and pregnancy with the parents

2. A discussion of the Gillespie Approach (Craniosacral Fascial Release Therapy or CFT) and what the process looks like. Parents assist in the process.

3. Dr. Linda works out a plan with the parents

4. Customized gentle care is provided

What to Expect for Children, ages 2 to 7:
(Visit Dr. Linda's Happy Baby Doc Website for Details)

About 30 minutes

1. Consultation to discuss your concerns

2. Chiropractic and Gillespie Approach exam

3. Customized gentle care provided


We help you turn on your natural healing ability.
Call today for an appointment.

(406) 203-5180